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(Updated March 2020)

(Brindishe Green, Brindishe Lee & Brindishe Manor Schools)

The Governing Body does appoint governors to working parties when the need arises. These are small groups of governors and members of the school leadership team who work together to; review key policies, to plan the three schools’ budgets each spring, and respond to new legislation, for example on British Values. Once the working parties have completed their work and reported back to the main governing body, they are disbanded.

Pupil Discipline / Staff Grievance / Staff Discipline / Staff Discipline Appeal  / Complaints Panels

These meet as and when required, with a minimum of three eligible governors, who are selected according to the following criteria:

  1. Availability
  2. Correct skills and experience
  3. Fair representation in terms of gender and ethnicity
  4. Excluding those with any prior knowledge of the case / any conflict of interest
  5. If more than three Governors met the criteria above, then and only then, would alphabetical order criteria be implemented.


Governors’ details (for each governor who has served at any point over the past 12 months)

Parent and staff governors

Parent governors are not representatives of the parents or carers of their child’s respective individual school. All parents and carers of the federated schools’ pupils are entitled to put themselves forward for election regardless of the school their child attends in the federation. Parent governor places should not be reserved for parents of a particular school.

The School Governance (Constitution and Federations) (England) (Amendment) Regulations 2016 states that the governing body of a federation must include only 2 parent governors. Under these regulations, a federation cannot stipulate that a parent is elected from each school in a federation. The 2 parent governors can come from across the parent and carer body, which could mean they can be from the same school. All governors, including parents, are responsible for all schools within the federation. They are not there to represent a single school.